Archive for the 'poetry' Category

Semana Poética VII + National Arts Club, NY

Sonntag, Oktober 5th, 2008

This year’s Semana Poética includes the following poets:

Michael Augustin, Rafael Ballesteros, Sujata Bhatt, Alessandro Carrera, Jorge Chen Sham, Steve Gehrke, Natalya Handal, Nitsa Kann, Aurora Luque, Julio Neira, Merit O’Hare, Vera Pavlova, Utz Rachowski, Alexei Tsvetkov

October 19-23, 2008

Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Dickinson College
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013



October 6, 2008

15 Gramercy Park South

New York, NY

 Michael Augustin & Sujata Bhatt: Poetry Reading @ The National Arts Club

National Arts Club, New York


Michael Augustin: Kurzgeschichte

Samstag, September 27th, 2008

 Podcast Video: Play Now | Play in Popup

Gedicht im Regen

Mittwoch, August 13th, 2008

 Podcast Video: Play Now | Play in Popup

Ringelnatz 4

Donnerstag, August 7th, 2008

ringelnatzartiges von Michael Augustin zum
125 Geburtstag des Schriftstellers

 Podcast Video: Play Now | Play in Popup

Valles Apilados

Montag, Juli 21st, 2008

Michael Augustin

Las altas cumbres

consisten en

valles apilados

poemas y miniaturas (Span. v. J. Sagastume u. I. Martinéz-Rico)
Universidad de Valencia, 2007

 Podcast Video: Play Now | Play in Popup

Zeitunglesen beim Theekochen

Sonntag, Juli 6th, 2008

Bertolt Brecht

aus: Deutsche Gedichte 1930-1960

Herausgegeben von Hans Bender


 Podcast Video: Play Now | Play in Popup